Our mission is to preserve and advance

the quality of life and economic well-being for the citizens of the BRADD through regional collaboration.

Core Values:

A commitment to service that is transparent, professional, and efficient by upholding the highest degree of integrity.

A commitment to service that is non-partisan and non-biased.


Provide support and assistance to the elected officials, leaders and community stakeholders of the region in achieving their missions.


Maintain a strong regional voice and foster the exchange of information and ideas.


Administer a cooperative planning process to identify barriers, needs, opportunities and solutions.


Efficiently advocate a regional approach for the delivery of available programs and services.


Maintain collaborative partnerships between federal, state and local agencies.
What is an Area Develoment District (or ADD)?

Created by KRS 147A.050, Area Development Districts are organizations devoted to economic planning and development in a multi-county region. They provide a link between local communities, state and federal agencies, and private organizations. Area Development Districts exist throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky, providing service to every Kentucky county. ADDs’ missions are to bring those local, civic and governmental leaders together to accomplish those objectives that could not be achieved by the governments acting separately.

When and why the Barren River ADD was created.

In the summer of 1967, local leaders began organizing area development councils as a response to Federal legislation. The purpose was to encourage multi-county cooperation for more effective use of domestic program funds. The Upper Barren River Area Development Council included Barren, Hart, Metcalfe, and Monroe Counties. Allen, Butler, Edmonson, Logan, Simpson, and Warren Counties formed the Lower Barren River Area Development Council. Both Councils were incorporated as non-profit agencies in February, 1968.

On April 9, 1968, the two Councils met together and agreed to a joint steering committee. The Barren River Development District was incorporated with J. Ewing Stuart, a Russellville businessman elected chairman and Fountain Run Mayor Robert Eaton named vice chairman. The District applied for a planning grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA). The grant was awarded June 29.

Guidance in organizing the original councils came from the Extension Service, notably Earl Kilbourne of Glasgow, and cooperative utilities led by J.B. Galloway, Farmers Rural Electric in the Upper Barren and Henry Carlisle, Bowling Green Municipal in the Lower Barren. Judge Basil Griffin provided support through free office space in the Warren County Courthouse. State leadership came from Governor Louis B. Nunn, who established the Kentucky Program Development Office under the directorship of Frank Groschelle. He recommended changing the names of the Districts to Area Development Districts -ADDs.

In September of 1968, T. Jack Eversole, a broadcast news director, Warren County Magistrate, and former Chairman of the local planning commission was named executive director. John Ferren was the first planner and Rebecca Gooding provided clerical support. The Overall Economic Development Plan was submitted to EDA in October.

Approval of the OEDP in February established eligibility for grant funds to develop water and sewer service to the site of an industrial plant, now the Corvette assembly plant at Bowling Green. The EDA investment of $2 million has been repaid many times through taxes on the numerous industrial plants, motels, restaurants, and other businesses which have located in the area.

In the first two years of activity, the BRADD staff assisted local leaders in acquiring more than $10 million in grants for economic projects in every county.

What does an ADD do?

Area Development Districts provide regional planning, economic development and social services to communities and individuals within their service area. ADDs serve as forums, clearinghouses, technical centers and conveners for their region. They also provide counties within their service area with extensive program opportunities, trainings, and services. Staff within the ADDs assist communities with writing grants, public administration, infrastructure planning and more.

How many ADDs are there in Kentucky?

The fifteen ADDs in Kentucky provide a system of complete coverage to all 120 counties in Kentucky:

Who is in charge of an ADD? How does an ADD operate?

As mandated in Kentucky Revised Statutes, each ADD is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from counties and communities within the District, and non-elected citizen members representing a cross-section of the region’s social and economic institutions. The Kentucky Council on Area Development Districts (KCADD) serves as the coordinating body of the fifteen ADDs. KCADD is governed by a Board of Directors made up of two representatives from each ADD. In leadership of each ADD is an executive director, appointed by the Board of Directors and responsible for governing the day-to-day activities of his or her ADD.

What is BRADD?

The Barren River Area Development District (BRADD) is the Area Development District that serves the southcentral region of Kentucky. BRADD’s mission is to preserve and advance the quality of life and economic well-being for the citizens of the BRADD through regional collaboration. All programs and services of the BRADD are filtered through this mission. Operationally, BRADD has two service areas: Planning and Economic Development and Aging and Independent Living.

What counties does BRADD serve?

BRADD serves the following counties and the incorporated cities in these counties:

Who makes up the Barren River Area Development District’s Board of Directors?

BRADD has approximately 50 board members. Every BRADD county is represented on the Board of Directors by the county judge executive, the mayors of the first three classes, mayors of the county seat, and a citizen member chosen by the elected members. The board also includes special members representing diverse parts of the region. State and federal legislators are special advisors to the board. A smaller, ten-member executive council helps guide the agency in their day-to-day operations.

What services does BRADD provide for the people within its region?

BRADD offers a wide array of services to help improve the lives of the people living within BRADD’s ten-county area. These services are related to community and economic development, financial administration & management and aging and independent living. The Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living, an organization housed within BRADD, provides resources for elderly and disabled populations in the 10-county service area.

What can BRADD’s Financial Administration & Management staff help with?

The Finance department conducts the day-to-day financial administration at BRADD. The department prepares and monitors the annual budgets, develops and implements internal controls within BRADD, maintains all fiscal records, and is responsible for maintaining transparency, accountability, and compliance with federal and state issued regulations. Of BRADD’s annual budget, nearly 71% is pass-through dollars.

What can BRADD’s Community & Economic Development staff help with?

The Community and Economic Development staff assists local government and economic development agencies in improving the quality of life for the citizens of the BRADD region. This includes applying for state and federal investments through grants and loans, hazard mitigation planning, water and wastewater planning, transportation planning, and GIS mapping services. BRADD also formulates the district’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), as well as provides training, resources, and workshops for local officials. For a listing of upcoming trainings/events, visit BRADD’s social media pages or the home page. BRADD also maintains a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for businesses and industries in our 10-county region.

What can BRADD’s Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living staff help with?

The Barren River AAAIL is an agency dedicated to identifying and addressing the needs of the elderly and disabled populations throughout BRADD’s ten county region. Services that this department provides include but are not limited to in-home and community services, assessment/case management services, family caregiver support services, and social, nutritional and health promotion services. The AAAIL is advised by the Barren River Aging Advisory Council, as well as the BRADD Board of Directors.

How does the BRADD relate to me?

Local Government Official/Representative

As a current elected official Mayor or Judge Executive, you serve on the BRADD Board of Directors. As such, you will be invited to attend regular meetings, trainings and more. We are your resource for state and federal grants, infrastructure planning, and business economic development. To learn more, call us at 270-781-2381.

Elderly or Disabled Individual/Caretaker

The Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living provides resources and assistance to those who serve as caretakers for elderly or disabled, and is the region’s authority on aging services. If you or a loved one are in need of services of this kind, please contact our Aging and Disability Resource Center at (270-782-9223) or (1-800-395-7654)

Community Stakeholder

As a community stakeholder ourselves, we want to partner with you to promote the vision of regional cooperation. We would love to learn from, collaborate, and engage with non-profits, government agencies, local businesses and more in the district. Contact our Executive Director at 270-781-2381.

Organizational Charts


BRADD Organizational Chart

Size: 64.63 KB
Hits: 1130
Date added: 01-05-2023
Date modified: 11-12-2024

BRADD Board Organizational Chart

Size: 29.13 KB
Hits: 500
Date added: 01-05-2023
Date modified: 11-12-2024

BRADD Agency Wide Strategic Plan

Size: 116.68 KB
Hits: 774
Date added: 01-16-2024
Date modified: 01-16-2024